Described by HEAD as the poster child of power, the Velocity MLT Tennis String is perfect for accessing aggressive strokes again and again.
Powered by a multifilament corner that's also surrounded by extra, thicker filaments for further durability and enhanced energy, this string realigns perfectly after every single shot, allowing for extreme spin over and over!
This thinner 17 gauge version is ideal for providing users with more feel and more control over their strikes.
HEAD Velocity MLT 17g Tennis String Set
In a family of multifilament strings, which - based on the construction and manufacturing process - already provide a lot of power, the VELOCITY MLT is the power poster child. Its multifilament core is surrounded by thicker filaments, which enhance the energy efficiency and provide, well, power. At the same time the low friction coating makes sure that the strings re-align after every shot for high spin potential. Throwing in a lively feel, the VELOCITY MLT is a great durable power generator for tournament or club players.